Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants
This initiative is intended to promote collaborative research among faculty from different disciplines with shared interests and to support the preparation and submission of competitive proposals for external grants.
Seed grants are awarded to groups of researchers. With the exception of Humanities Without Walls seed grants, each group must comprise two or more faculty from at least two departments or academic units at Notre Dame who are committed to exploring a topic of significant importance for the arts, humanities, or social sciences. For all seed grants, at least one faculty member (and at least one planned PI on any proposed external grant application) must have a primary appointment in the College of Arts and Letters. Additional community partners and faculty at other universities may also participate in supported faculty groups.
Allowable costs for interdisciplinary seed grants:
- Books, digital resources, software, and similar materials needed to explore the research topic
- Travel expenses (for site visits, to collaborate with community members or researchers at other institutions)
- Meeting support (e.g., catering, etc.)